When you hang up, the video call will transform into a group-chat window, allowing you to carry on the conversation by text. Tap the Ring button next to the person (or people) you’d like to add, and they’ll receive an invitation to join the call. In your current call, look for the Add person icon (a plus icon next to a silhouette) in the lower right-hand corner. But if you’re in a one-on-one chat and decide you want another contact’s input, Messenger lets you instantly add that person and transform the ongoing call into a group one. Up to 50 people can join a Facebook Messenger video chat, though only six will appear on screen at any one time (once you hit seven, the screen will automatically display just the person who’s currently speaking). Facebook Turn a one-on-one into a group call For Facebook Messenger The more, the merrier: Messenger rooms allows up to 50 people in a call. From this menu you can have subtitles turn on automatically when you start calls (turn on the toggle switch next to Show subtitles for all calls), and even get them translated into a different language via Microsoft’s artificial intelligence engine. Tap your avatar at the top of the Skype screen, then pick Settings, Calling, and Call subtitles. One of Skype’s most useful features is automatic, real time subtitling, which can help you work out what other people on the video chat are saying, even if they’re in noisy places (or you’re unable to turn up the volume on your own device for some reason).