Used scenario, civilization, leaders, etc. Unfortunately not, I don't know how to make events with this mod as it is something silly, whoever wants to help I accept. The Spring Offensive in France by the Germans, Russian Civil War, the offensive by Egyptian troops in Transjordan, Arab revolt in Hejaz, German vassals, Chinese, British, Alliances such as Entente, Alliance, White Army and Red Army and last but not least, participation of South American countries like Brazil and Haiti It is a map scenario of the First World War, specifically the MaSpring Offensive. What is "Gathering Storm - The End of One War for All Other Wars"? Nice, Very Ambitious of you to attempt such a mod, Good luck! ❑ For now, I don't have a Discord group of the mod in case I need helpers, but I probably will, as I will need helpers to try to translate the mod into different languages or add new focus trees to new countries. Unfortunately for better and more changes of leaders I will have to wait for the 4th update of Conqueror's II. (Ex: Germany will be able to return to the Kaiserreich, and will form the German empire with an event, causing the leader to change from Hitler to Wilhelm II). Hi! I'm new to the forum, and taking advantage of the update 1.5 of my favorite mod of this game, I wanted to start a scenario very similar to that of Hearts of Iron IV from 1936, unlike the rest, I will imitate the branches of approach, both political and specific to each nation. I will take the development more slowly, but I will continue to move forward with it.

☛ I used a map created by Nationalism Is Strength ❖ Note: -I wrote this with the help of the translator. ❖ Countries that will have focus trees in future game updates:

➢ New background music. ✔ (I accept suggestions for more background music) ➢ +40 events per almost european country ✔ ➢ Custom design to box of events ✔ -NEW ✔ 1 out of every 3 updates has a mobile version in addition to the PC version. The MOD receives updates every week, and you can test them. 𝕲 athering Storm MOD seeks to assimilate the separate MOD "Conquerors II" so that it has an appearance and playability as close to that of HOI4 (Hearts of Iron IV).